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发布时间:2016-10-12 23:10:49 所属栏目:经营推广 来源:鸟哥笔记
导读:副标题#e# 9月2日凌晨,苹果曾通过一封邮件向开发者们公开宣布两件事情:一清除不符合规定的废弃应用;二从9月7日(美国时间)起,将应用名称的长度限制在50个字符以内(已实施)。 而在邮件的【Shorter App Names】部分,苹果除解释了缩短标题的原因之外,

Use images captured from your app’s UI to visually communicate your app’s user experience.Your first two screenshots should encapsulate the essence of your app, as these images display in search results when no app preview is available. Focus each subsequent screenshot on a main benefit or feature so that you fully convey your app’s value.



1. 最好使用从应用的用户界面捕获的图像。

2. 重视前两张截图。

3. 其他截图也应该着重体现应用的主要用途或特性。

更多应用截图设计方法,请阅读《实例详解: 10大截图设计技巧,迅速提升下载转化率》


Provide your audience with an engaging description that highlights the features and functionality of your app. The ideal description is a concise, attention-grabbing paragraph followed by a short list of main features. Let potential users know what makes your app unique and why they will love it. Communicate in the tone of your brand, and use terminology your target audience will appreciate and understand.


The first few sentences of your description are the most important — this is what users can read without having to tap to read more. Every word counts, so focus your description on your app’s unique features. If you choose to mention an accolade, we recommend putting it at the end of the description.


Don’t add unnecessary keywords to your description in an attempt to affect search results. This provides a bad experience for users and can create a negative impression of your app’s quality.


Also avoid including specific prices in your app description. Pricing is already shown on the product page, and references within the description won’t be accurate in all countries and territories.



1. 将最重要的内容放到最前面→用户查看应用详情时,(在不点击“更多”的情况下)所看到的描述部分的内容是有限的(大约3~5行)。

2. 可以在描述的上半部分写一段简洁、吸引人的文字,然后在下面列出应用的主要特征。

3. 最好阐述应用的独特之处。

4. 使用符合品牌基调的语气以及术语。

5. 不要在描述部分添加不必要的关键词,去试图影响搜索结果,因为这样不利于用户体验。

6. 避免在应用描述部分添加价格信息→价格信息已经显示在产品页面中了&在描述中提及的话,该价格可能不适用于所有的国家和地区。


What’s New(最新动态)

When you update your app, your What’s New description is an opportunity to communicate directly with active users. If you added a feature or fixed a bug based on feedback or reviews, let your users know you’ve listened to them. List new features, content, or functionality in order of importance, and add call-to-action messaging that gets users excited about the update.



1. “最新动态”部分也能达到和活跃用户直接沟通的效果。

2. 最好按照重要程度来排列更新的内容或功能,

3. 如果添加的特性或修复的bug参考了用户的反馈或评论,你可以在这里告诉用户。

4. 可以号召用户去体验更新内容或功能。


Keywords impact where your app displays in search results. Carefully choose your keywords to ensure your app is easily discoverable. Think about the specific words your audience might use to search for an app like yours, and use those words when entering your keyword metadata. Broad or less relevant terms can make it hard for users to find your app.


